Saturday, April 30, 2011


First graders are working hard to learn the names and values of US coins. They even learned a some to help them remember! They have been learning how to count small collections of coins up to the value of a dollar. I encourage families to make this a real-world skill by asking your child to help you pay for small items, count the change and engage in pretend play scenarios that involve money. The first graders loved making menus and playing restaurant! Try playing store... no credit cards allowed!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

First Grade Authors!

The first graders are almost finished "publishing" their books. They are writing their own versions of Laura Numeroff's "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" series. They started by listening to Laura Numberoff's books. I showed them a version that I wrote when I was a first grader. Then they planned their own versions using a graphic organizer. Then they wrote a rough draft and worked with a teacher to edit and revise their work. They also wrote and typed an About the Author page and made a dedication page! These are outstanding books that I hope the first graders and their families will treasure forever!