Friday, November 8, 2013

Small Moment Writing Celebration

The first graders have been working hard on narrative writing. They have learned how to write about "small moments" in their lives. Today they shared their "published" books in small author circles before they added their books to the classroom library. Next, we'll learn about non-fiction writing.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Daily 5

Each day students spend time working on literacy stations called Daily 5. They rotate through 5 literacy centers: Word Work, Read to Self, Buddy Reading, Writing, and Listening Center. I also call small reading groups during that time. Lots of literacy development occurs during this hour-long period of the day. Take a look at some the kids in action.

Happy Diwali

One of our students shared a special holiday and her traditions with the class. We enjoyed learning about the festival of lights!Students were enthusiastic and thankful towards their friend for sharing her traditions!

Happy Halloween